Bye bye... i'm gg to school, modules this sem are econs, IT n human resource?? y must i study all these??
stuff i got from the face shop, they're having a 20% disc, really cheap, hrm, face mask are 3 for $8 plus, nail polish only $2 plus :) got a white eyeliner 2... yeah... finally.
Swensens with mummy the other day, we had the one for one lunch thingy, soup was $2 n drinks $2. so total bill came up to only $21.
so darling downloaded a new piano application on his hp, n this is darling, trying very hard to remember the notes to songs i taught him to play. it's really quite funny to watch him play, i taught him simple songs like doe a dear, row ur boat n some mandrin songs... :)
ok we saw this really skinny gal at sin min prawning the other day, her back was facing us so we could no not check out her face. her back view was really quite good, thin, tall, good long hair, pretty top, skirt n heels....... we thought she was a babe....
haha... u judge 4 urself...
feel abit sick... wanted to take leave from work, but cannot leh, to many patients n not many staff on duty.. take MC? of cos not!! i'm a good girl n i'm MC free since students days n all my 5 yrs of work= 0 MC.. good? ya i know :) oh well just one more day of work n then.... 2 days off n then nite.. yucks i hate nite man... i dun wan any admissions. esp no admission of any small babies less then 30 wks..
ok see u guys.. nite :)